Wednesday, April 11, 2007

'Begin The Begin'

... to quote REM...

How do you start a blog anyway? I mean, where to begin?
If you look at when I joined Blogger and the date of my first entry here, you'll notice quite the gap. I never intended to have a blog, but I frequent a few and enjoy them a lot. Actually, I only opened an account to help someone (who DID intend to have a blog and does have a very good one) figure out how to insert a picture into their profile. (The serious face of media commentary.) hee

So... why bother now?
I don't really know... bordom perhaps.
Being a conversationalist (not a writer) by nature, I was spending the evening chatting in IM. All of the sudden it started pouring outside and within a minute the power was out and I was sitting in the dark with only the bright glow of my laptop for light. When the lights finally did come back on, my chat partner had retired for the night and I was left to... well... start this blog.

Tomorrow is another day... 'Lets begin again'

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